by JUSMUGEN Sat Aug 19, 2023 10:14 pm
Xzest wrote:As the topic said
I Just wonder about Original mugen game and mugen fan game section.
What is the difference about these two section.
I don't see anything difference as I saw the topic that posted on them.
Xzest What is the difference about these two section.
Original Mugen Games release is where the Creator Build the game from scratch, The Coding, Content that he made, the music, Character he created from scratch, Everything done Originality
Mugen Fans games release is where a Mugen Fan goes and take other content from other random creators and take and make Edit Changes to make a compilation game by adding Randoms characters, stages and want to share his or hers compilation collection and with no coding involved, or no creativity involved just want to share an show off. That why we made section for Mugen fans that cant code, cant create but want to share there game that what is for.